कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९७

277 people were arrested for randomly painting colors on Holi


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The police have arrested 277 people on the charge of rioting and throwing colors indiscriminately during the celebration of Holi. Among those arrested are 262 men and 15 women, Chief of District Police Complex Kathmandu and Senior Superintendent of Police Bhupendra Khatri informed.

277 people were arrested for randomly painting colors on Holi

He said, 'Today we have arrested 277 people who are working against the law, looking at the condition of those arrested, some of them will be handed over to their families today and some cases will be filed.'

Likewise, the team of District Police Complex Kathmandu said that 664 vehicles were seized today, including 649 four-wheelers and 15 two-wheelers.

The police said that the vehicles that were driving illegally, not carrying vehicle documents, and driving without helmets were taken into custody. The police had tightened the security arrangements in the valley to ensure the safety of Fagu Purnima i.e. Holi festival. A total of 3,000 plainclothes policemen were deployed for traffic checking and surveillance was done by drones.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ११, २०८० २२:०९
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