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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९९

World Cup Qualifiers: Nepal lost consecutively against Bahrain


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In Group H of the Asian World Cup Qualifiers, Nepal could not stop the series of consecutive defeats on Tuesday night. Nepal was defeated by Bahrain 3-0 in the match at National Stadium in Rifa. Nepal scored all three goals in the first half in this match, which is also an Asia Cup qualifier.

World Cup Qualifiers: Nepal lost consecutively against Bahrain

This match was Bahrain's 'home match'. Before that, Nepal was defeated by Bahrain 5-0 in their 'home match'. In this victory won by Bahrain, perhaps Bakar, Abdullah Yusuf and Komeil Ilswad scored . This is Nepal's fourth consecutive defeat in the selection.

With this, Nepal is at the bottom of the group without any points. In the next match of this group, UAE defeated Yemen 3-0 . UAE are at the top with 12 points after winning all four matches. Bahrain has nine points. Yemen has three points. Now Nepal will face UAE and Yemen in the remaining two qualifying matches.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० ०६:३५
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