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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२४

'Incentive money' to the principal in Manahari

सुवास विडारी

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Manahari rural municipality is going to provide incentives to the principals based on their performance. The municipality is going to implement the said rule from this academic session by entering into a performance agreement with the principal of the primary school.

'Incentive money' to the principal in Manahari

Ranjan Kalakheti, chairman of the rural municipality, said that the municipality has taken forward this work with incentive money for the improvement of this area from the primary level school which is the first stage of school education. According to him, the school is going to distribute the incentive money based on the details sent by self-evaluation on 15 different points.

We have prepared 15 points by prioritizing the academic achievement of the students. We will provide incentives based on their self-assessment percentage, he said. According to the

performance agreement, the principal has to prepare an annual academic action plan and schedule. The performance points will be obtained based on the work of making school improvement plans, accounting and social testing, teaching improvement agreement with all teachers, filling student-teacher details in EMIS, analyzing the overall results of the school, etc. Anant Prakash Aryal, coordinator of the Social Development Committee, informed that performance marks will be obtained based on the attendance of the principal, the preparation of the code of conduct for teachers and students, and the internal evaluation of students.

School principals who score 0 to 40 percent on performance evaluations will not receive any funding. Head of Education Pradeep Parajuli informed that Rs. 20,000 will be given to 40 to 60 percent, Rs. 22,000 to 60 to 80 percent and Rs. 24,000 to those who get 80 to 100 percent performance marks.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १६:२८
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