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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९०

Nepalese basketball team leaves for China


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A 5-member team including 4 players went to Yunnan, China on Thursday to participate in men's three-by-three basketball as part of the Border Singfu Village Sports Carnival.

Nepalese basketball team leaves for China

Under the captaincy of Vijay Burja, the Nepali team consists of Nikesh Magar, Manish KC and Nischal Maharjan . The coach is Sushil Gurung. . The competition, which has started from Wednesday, will continue for seven days . Nepal's match will start on Friday .

National Sports Council member secretary Tanklal Ghising bid farewell to the team on Wednesday . On that occasion, Rajen Maharjan, CEO of China Tradelink Company, the official seller of Lining for Nepal, provided Lining's gear to the players .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ २१:५६
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