कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

The Ward President of Benisahar Municipality-9 was arrested

आश गुरुङ

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The police have arrested Khushijang Gurung, the ward president of Benisahar municipality-9. The police said that they have started an investigation into the crime of indecent behavior against Gurung.

The Ward President of Benisahar Municipality-9 was arrested

Eyewitnesses said that Sunil Thapa of Bensisahar Municipality-7, Sahaji was injured when Ward President Gurung beat him on the night of 9th Baisakh. The victim, Thapa, said that while he was returning from going to the toilet, the ward president and others threw glass at him and also beat him up.

The victim's family complained that the police did not arrest the others involved in the beating despite filing a complaint. The police said that Gurung was arrested on the night of the incident. The injured Thapa suffered injuries on his head, hands and forehead due to the beating of Ward Chairman Gurung.

Police Inspector Thaneshwar Chapai, Information Officer of the District Police Office, is investigating the crime of indecent behavior against Gurung. Police Inspector Chapai said that further investigation has been started against him from the District Administration Office on Wednesday 7th.

Ward president Gurung told his friends that the incident was similar and that he did not beat him.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ २०:५०
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