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Fake Bhutanese refugee case: Supreme Court refuses to release Raimajhi, Pandey and Rai


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The Supreme Court has refused to release 7 people, including former minister and UML leader Top Bahadur Rayamazhi, former Home Secretary Teknarayan Pandey, security adviser of the then Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa, Indrajit Rai, who were imprisoned in the case of fake Bhutanese refugees.

Fake Bhutanese refugee case: Supreme Court refuses to release Raimajhi, Pandey and Rai

In the case of fake Bhutanese refugees, those who were imprisoned by the order of the High Court Patan filed a petition in the Supreme Court asking for an order of release .

The petition was heard on Thursday in the bench of Supreme Court Judges Kumar Regmi and Tek Prasad Dhungana.

The IJAL has issued an order not to change the order of the High Court regarding Rayamazhi, Pandey, Rai etc. In the case of the defendants Teknarayan Pandey, Indrajit Rai, Top Bahadur Rayamazhi, Keshav Prasad Dulal, Sanu Bhandari, Sagar Rai and Sandesh Sharma, the indictment claims that they have been acquitted of the crime of fraud and punished for various crimes. Behora's statements made by other people, on the basis of the immediately received evidence of the incident report of the victims including the missile attached, they should be detained in accordance with section 67 of 2074, with civil criminal procedure for trial, to continue to change the order dated 2060.08.15 from the Patan High Court. Failed,' said the order of the Supreme Court.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १८:४७
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