कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

We did not come into politics to listen to threats and insults: Nepal

'We are not taking it easy, we are not feeling comfortable.'

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Chairman of the ruling United Socialist Party and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that he is not comfortable with the current government structure. He also said that there is a question about how long this power alliance will last.

We did not come into politics to listen to threats and insults: Nepal

UML also said that it was uncomfortable because Nepal was threatening, threatening and abusing at the 'Nar Bahadur Karmacharya Memorial Academy' held on Monday at the central office.

President Nepal also said that the current politics of Nepal is complicated. He said that the alliance is changing in a short time and how many days will the current power alliance last? said that the question is being raised.

'Nepal's politics is complicated . Within a short period of time, the alliance Oltecolt has made . The question of how long this alliance will last has been raised. All the answers will be given by our honorable Prime Minister, I cannot give them," said Nepal. Nepal also opened up about why he is uncomfortable with the

alliance. He said, 'The situation is not easy . We are not taking it easy. We are not feeling comfortable. We did not come into politics, we were not born in the society, we are not engaged in politics to listen to someone's threats and insults. It is not our intention to become anyone's slave.

President Nepal believes that the Communist Party should raise its voice on issues of people's livelihood, equality and justice, employment problems, and economic progress. also kept .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ १२:००
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