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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

Rani Lake is being cleaned

भवानी भट्ट

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It is full of plants of Michaha species including reeds, water lilies. It is difficult to recognize whether it is a lake or a plain. Somewhere only water is visible. This situation is of Rani Lake in Shuklaphanta National Park. But now the condition of Ranital has changed a bit.

Rani Lake is being cleaned

Recently, after the park office started cleaning the lake, it has started to look like a lake. Pramod Bhattarai, senior conservation officer of Shuklaphanta National Park, said, "But now at least it looks like a lake."

The park office is cleaning the lake with the help of various organizations. Cleanliness of the lake has also been started on various days and programs. More than 60 percent of the lake with an area of ​​more than 65 hectares was covered with michahar species. Besides, due to famine, the area of ​​the lake was shrinking . There has been some improvement since the last cleanup campaign started.

Along with being a prime bird habitat, Rani Lake is a major source of water for wildlife. Its importance is even more because it is located in the central area of ​​the park. Dry yams lack water. Wild animals have to wander in search of water. Because of this reason, the importance of Ranital is more.

It is also the main habitat of the Siberian bird that comes to escape the cold in winter. Most of the water birds in the park are found in this lake area. "Senior conservation officer Bhattarai said, "To clean the lake completely, we don't have the budget, we are cleaning it with the help of various organizations." According to him, the cleaning of the lake has been going on for about 4 months. Removal of soil, water plants and other plants is being done.

With the help of a boat, the work of removing water plants and other plants is being done by reaching the middle of the lake. In addition to this, the reeds near the lake are also being removed. 15/20 people are engaged in cleaning daily.

Not only Ranital within the park, but also the condition of other lakes is the same . The area of ​​the lake is decreasing every year due to erosion and vegetation. Lakes such as Babatal, Bathania, Kalikich, Salgoudi etc. are shrinking. If the lakes are not protected and cleaned, there may be a lack of water for wildlife.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १८:४४
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