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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२६

Elected Chairman of 7 Parliamentary Committees of Lumbini State Assembly


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Chairman of seven parliamentary committees of Lumbini State Assembly has been elected unopposed. It was announced that he was elected unopposed on Wednesday after a single nomination was made for all posts on Tuesday.

Elected Chairman of 7 Parliamentary Committees of Lumbini State Assembly

Earlier there were 6 committees in the state assembly. 7 special rights committees have been added to adjust the party division.

On behalf of UML, Raju Shrestha, MP from Palpa Constituency 1 (1), MP from Arghakhanchi Constituency 2 (2), Ramjiprasad Ghimire, has been elected as the Chairman of the Economic Industry and Tourism Committee, and Giridharilal Neupane of Kapilvastu has been elected as the Chairman of the Special Rights Committee.

Banke's Maya Pun was elected as the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee from the Congress and MP Vishwaprem Pathak of Nawalparasi Constituency 1 (1) was elected as the Chairman of the Agriculture, Forestry and Environment Committee.

MP Dilkumari Budha from Rukum East has been elected from the Maoists to the provincial affairs and law committee and Yam Bahadur Nepali Sarki from Gulmi has been elected as the chairman of the social development committee.

After the Lumbini State Assembly Secretariat announced the election, Speaker Tularam Gharti Magar administered the oath of office and secrecy to the chairpersons. Parliamentary thematic committees investigate, monitor and warn about the government's actions and work even when the House is not in session.

The committee, which is like a mini-parliament, held meetings under the chairmanship of senior members, and discussed various issues quarterly, but the leadership did not elect a chairman for 17 months.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ५, २०८१ १३:२१
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