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३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५८

Opposition boycotted meeting to influence court: CM official


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Chief Minister of Gandaki Province Khagraj Adhikari has said that he boycotted the meeting to influence the court. Congress and RPP boycotted the provincial assembly meeting held on Friday, so the meeting could not be conducted. Chief Minister Adhikari accused the opposition of trying to influence the court by boycotting the meeting.

Opposition boycotted meeting to influence court: CM official

The Speaker has postponed the meeting indefinitely. At the same time, responding to the media, Chief Minister Adhikari commented that there is a case against the government in the Supreme Court and the meeting was boycotted to influence the same case.

The meeting of the Gandaki Provincial Assembly has been postponed until further notice. After the agenda was made public on Friday, the meeting was held for some time. Congress and RPP did not participate in the meeting.

After the opposition party boycotted the meeting itself, Speaker Krishna Prasad Dhital informed that the meeting has been postponed indefinitely. The Speaker, who read out the letter of the provincial chief about calling the meeting, also invited the opposition to the meeting. However, the speaker had to adjourn the meeting after the opposition seats were vacated.

meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon means that the meeting was held at four o'clock. The Congress did not even participate in the executive consultation meeting after handing over a letter to the Speaker to boycott the meeting. Only the ruling party UML-Maoist participated in the executive meeting. The meeting also lasted for a long time.

In the agenda, it was mentioned that the letter received from the head of the state regarding the convention would be read out and that non-departmental minister Hari Bahadur Chuman would present the 'Bill made to make arrangements regarding pesticide management' in the assembly.

After the meeting was adjourned, Chief Minister Khagraj Adhikari responded by respecting the opposition. The Chief Minister said that the meeting should be held when the government comes up with principles and priorities, policies and programs and budgets.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ७, २०८१ २०:१३
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