Education should be taught to provide access to the field of science and technology: Former President Bhandari


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Former President Bidya Devi Bhandari has said that students should be taught education that gives them access to the field of science and technology.

Education should be taught to provide access to the field of science and technology: Former President Bhandari

While inaugurating the prize distribution, honor and health camp organized today by the Independent Students' Union of Mahendra Morang Adarsh ​​Versatile Campus Biratnagar, she suggested to pay attention to the production of competitive and skilled manpower required by the country and abroad in the present situation.

Former President Bhandari requested the students to name the country in the world by creating and innovating in the field of public welfare through study and research. She said that students should pay special attention to food security, adaptation to climate change and making the country's economy strong.

He said, 'Because doctors, economists, entrepreneurs, engineers, etc. produce, the federal government should allocate the necessary budget for the development of educational institutions based on consensus.'

Campus Principal Ramavatar Sharan, Union President Jaswant Paudel and others mentioned that the campus has paid special attention to the production of manpower needed by the country and asked for necessary support for its overall development.

On the occasion, former President Bhandari distributed prizes to the winning players of various sports competitions and also awarded certificates to various hospitals for supporting the running of health camps on the campus.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १६, २०८० १७:३१
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