कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

There is no 'plight' in government schools

पाठक पत्र

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In a letter to the editor of Kantipur, Roshan Bhattarai wrote under the title 'Non-Stop Exploitation of Private Schools' on Tuesday. Rather than providing quality education, government schools have become recruiting centers for leaders, district education officers, chief district officers, wives and relatives of those with money and power.

But in reality, apart from nepotism, nepotism and party influence, there is no such 'plight' in government schools during the appointment of private sources, relief and grant quotas. In the year 2048/49, when teachers who had taught for one year were automatically made permanent, incompetent teachers were also given a lot. But now only a few such teachers are serving.

Then in 2062/63 internal competition was made for 50 percent of the posts. Since the year 2052, the Teachers Service Commission has not advertised openly, so the internal competition was tough. Therefore, there was no question of selecting incompetent teachers. In the year 2069, Teacher Service Commission opened open advertisement.

After that, the teachers who could not be sustained by the open competition, despite the continuous advertisement, protested. In the year 2075, the competition was conducted in order to get a passing score. Even after doing so, those who could not be permanent have been dismissed with a 'golden hand shake'. This means that there is no dearth of competent teachers in government schools.

More recently, the Teachers Service Commission has started to adopt the same examination process (first paper test before written and interview) as the Public Service Commission for teacher selection. Due to the increase in educated unemployment in the country, even at the basic level, postgraduate pass candidates are competing to become permanent teachers in government schools.

On the contrary, less qualified teachers who could not be permanent in the government can be seen in some boarding schools. In this case, it cannot be said that the parents chose the boarding school because of the lack of good education in the government school.
– Indrakumar Shrestha, Wageshwari Mavi, Bhaktapur

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ ०८:२५
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