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Dipesh, released on bail, under CIB's 'surveillance'

AIG Shyam Gyawali, the head of the bureau, said that the investigation into the gold smuggling case is ongoing and he may be arrested if his 'link' is found.
घनश्याम गौतम

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Deepesh Kumar, who was sent to jail on charges of misappropriation of the funds of Supreme Savings and Credit Cooperative Society of Butwal, has come under the surveillance of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of the police after he was released after posting bail on Friday. On May 7, the district court ordered him to be released on bail of Rs 4 lakh.

Dipesh, released on bail, under CIB's 'surveillance'

He is also the Central General Secretary of Aneraswaviyu (Revolutionary) and is the son of former Vice President Nandkishore Pun. He is also connected to the gold case and has been kept under surveillance by the CIB as soon as he is released on bail.

After being released from the district jail, Bhairawa, he was taken to the area police office, Butwal. According to police sources, he was kept there for some time, but on the advice of the CIB, he was released under surveillance for the time being. "He told the local police office that he will contact the CIB himself," the source said, "After he said he would go to the CIB himself, the police left him to keep watch." A police officer said that the CIB is preparing to call him for a statement within a few days as he is involved in the gold case. He had prepared to release the bail on Baisakh 7, the same day as the court verdict. However, he was sent to jail without bail after receiving information that the CIB could arrest him immediately. Along with him, 5 people, including Supreme's employees and managers, who were ordered to be released on bail, were released on the previous Friday after posting bail. AIG Shyam Gyawali, head of the

bureau, said that the investigation into the gold smuggling case is ongoing and he may be arrested if his 'link' is found. "It seems that the matter has been mentioned again in the commission of inquiry related to gold smuggling," he said, "The investigation is continuing on that basis, the necessary persons are under surveillance." SP and spokesperson of the bureau, Hovindra Bogti, also said that even if he is not arrested now, he will be called at an appropriate time for a statement. The commission has pointed out that the bureau has not done enough research and left the statement paper alone.

The police investigation has shown that 86 million 18 million 23 thousand out of 1 billion 31 million of regular savings in Supreme Cooperative was embezzled. The police have filed a case against 28 people, including Gitendrababu (GB) Rai, who is the founder president and current patron of the cooperative, and Pun, who is the former secretary, for misappropriating the funds. During the investigation, six people who were arrested and detained were ordered by the court to release them on bail.

All others have been released after posting bail. The court has jailed only the chairman of the cooperative, Omprakash Gurung. 1 thousand 831 people filed a complaint against the manager. He resigned from the post of secretary on November 24, 2079 after getting into problems with the cooperative.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ ०६:३६
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