कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५०

Physical Minister Mahaseth is dissatisfied with the employees after the physical progress is only 19 percent till Chait 15th


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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Raghuveer Mahaseth expressed his dissatisfaction with the employees saying that the physical progress was only 19 percent till March 15.

Physical Minister Mahaseth is dissatisfied with the employees after the physical progress is only 19 percent till Chait 15th

Minister Mahaseth expressed his displeasure while speaking at the calendar release program of the Nepal Civil Service Organization on Thursday. He said that by March 15 of the current financial year, only 19 percent material progress is a pathetic situation. He said, 'It is a pathetic situation that only 19 percent material progress of the ministry till February of the current financial year. Financial progress would have been like that. The government could not pay for the project. But it is not good that the material progress is only 19 percent.'

He said that in the case of financial problems, it is a place to be satisfied when the financial progress is that much, but it is not the case with the material progress. He instructed to make all the payments for the projects by the 15th of June, but to work quickly according to the schedule. He said that one phase of the projects has been paid and assured that the next phase will be completed soon.

He also instructed the project chief and the employees working on the project not to leave the workplace until the end of June. He instructed to work according to the schedule to give results by the end of June. He instructed the secretaries and departmental heads of the project to immediately send the project heads or employees who are in Kathmandu to the workplace to leave the project and transfer them unnecessarily or for other work. As he instructed not to come to Kathmandu to work according to the schedule of the project, he promised not to transfer any employees anywhere else immediately.

Deputy Prime Minister Mahaseth said that the government will bring civil servants law for the benefit of the employees. He asked the organization to discuss with legal experts and prepare a report for the necessary amendments in the said Act.

He claimed that the economy has taken a rhythm with the new balance of power. He mentioned that economic activities are going on because industrialists are also optimistic about the government.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १९:२०
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