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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Class 12 exam from tomorrow, 4 lakh 91 thousand candidates

Question paper from nationwide online, exam center in Kathmandu by automated method
सुदीप कैनी

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4 lakh 91 thousand 497 students are participating in class 12 exam starting on Friday. According to the National Examination Board, there are 196 thousand 914 female students and 193 thousand 933 male students on the regular side and 390 thousand 847 examinees. The rest are students aiming for grade improvement.

Class 12 exam from tomorrow, 4 lakh 91 thousand candidates

The examination will be conducted in 1,526 centers including all 77 districts and one in Japan. Durga Prasad Aryal, member secretary of the board, said that as 18,000 examinees have increased this year compared to last year, the examination center has also been increased compared to the previous year.

Most of the 144 examination centers have been designated in Kathmandu and one in Manang/Mustang. This time in Kathmandu, the examination center has been designated through the automatic (SANDAM) process. There is a provision for appointing the examination center on the recommendation of the examination coordination committee chaired by the chief district officer. But he said that the committee has designated the examination center through automated process as a test in Kathmandu.

The distance was determined based on the number of examinees in each school and the number of seats in the examination center and the latitude and longitude of the school and the center. Preference was given to centers that were closer to schools. Looking at the number of examinees in the same school, on average, more than 150 examinees are distributed in one center. According to the Ministry of Education, the center was chosen so that it would not be in schools with the same management. It has been arranged so that the centers of the examinees of two different schools do not even fall in the same arc.

By doing this, students of the same school are giving exams from different/different centers. There was also a complaint that there was a setting when the examination center was appointed. It used to be criticized that the center of a certain school is a setting to be assigned or not assigned to a school. Students from 5,542 schools across the country are participating in the Class 12 exam. The centers of participating schools from Kathmandu are designated through automatic method.

'When applying this method, it is not certain which school students fall into which center,' Aryal said, 'Students from the same school are also placed in different centers, after this year's test, it will be applied throughout the country.' According to the board, it is difficult to identify which school's answer sheet is even in the examination. There are also accusations that the answer sheets inside the Kathmandu valley are not sent outside the valley based on the setting of certain private schools. Board Chairman Mahashram Sharma said that the

question paper will be sent online like last year. But he also said that when sending online, more precautions will be taken than last year from the point of view of security. There was a complaint that the question paper was being printed out while sending it online. The board has informed that a 'time password' has been arranged when the question paper is sent by email. Similarly, Sharma said that the instructions were given to print the question papers half an hour before the examination, only on the instructions of the head of the center, the assistant head of the center and the head of the center working in the examination. "Last year, we used to send the question paper by normal email, this year we will send it to the system," he said.

The 2076 covid epidemiology board has been making arrangements to teach class 12 question papers online. In the SEE examination conducted in March, the question paper was sent to the examination centers after printing. According to the board, 34 thousand 171 manpower including center president, assistant center president, inspectors, staff, office assistants are deployed for the examination and 18 thousand 300 policemen will be mobilized. The board has informed that the exam material along with the answer sheet has reached the center. Member Secretary Aryal said that the orientation of the central president has also been completed.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ ०८:४१
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