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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४६

Praveen carrying a suitcase in the teaser of 'The Red Suitcase'


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The teaser of the film 'The Red Suitcase', which won two awards at the Venice Film Festival, has been released. In the public teaser of the production team Icefall's YouTube, a person can be seen walking with a red suitcase.

Praveen carrying a suitcase in the teaser of 'The Red Suitcase'

Who is she? Where are you going? Not very clear . In the dark, the person keeps walking with a suitcase . A baby's voice is heard in the background .

Fidel Devkota has written and directed this film which will be screened from 30 Chait. The production team claims that the story has been recited in the background of the immigrant tradition and destiny of Nepal in the film. The production team also said that actor Praveen Khatiwada is playing an interesting role in the film starring Saugat Malla, Bipin Karki and Srishti Shrestha. The character seen in the teaser is also said to be Praveen.

director Devkota says that other actors will be featured in other promotional materials of the film. "A good actor in a good story is the fragrance of gold". The film features the best actors of the country . But in the teaser we have prioritized the story and how it is told . The rest of the cast will also open up in this behind-the-scenes content,' he said. Sushan Prajapati shot the film produced by Ramakrishna Pokharel for

Icefall Productions. Among the oldest in the world, this film, which was screened at festivals such as Germany's Mannheim Heidelberg International Film Festival, Switzerland's Zurich Film Festival, India's Mumbai Film Festival, etc., received the Honorable Mention Award at the Fondazione Fi Persona Lavaro Ambiente in Venice.

Bisato Dioro, an independent critics' organization, presented the award for the best first feature film to director Fidel Devkota as a debut director. This film also won the 'Best Debut Feature Film' award at the Jaffna International Cinema Festival held in Sri Lanka.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १३, २०८० १८:०८
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