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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७६

Prisoners writing exams from jail


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3 prisoners from Birgunj Jail are writing Class-12 exams. 3 people are writing the exam under the exam which started from Friday. All of them are male prisoners.

Prisoners writing exams from jail

A representative from the same center comes to take the exam of those who are taking the exam under Trijuddha Mabi Exam Center.

Even inside the prison, the examination is being conducted inside the security fence . According to the Prison Office, arrangements have been made for the examination in the prison for the prisoners who want to continue their studies from the prison.

Prisoners are also writing exams in Banke. 35 prisoners who have committed various crimes in prisons and correctional homes have participated in the class-12 examination.

35 people including 25 people from Jayendu Children's Reform Home in Hirminiya, 6 people from Naubasta Children's Reform Home and 4 people from Nepalgunj Prison Chief District Officer of Banke, Shravan Kumar Pokharel, who gave the 12th class examination, said.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ १५:२६
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