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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

"The challenge of looking for the old one or choosing the new one seems to be prevalent among the voters"


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Yudhprasad Vaidya, the leader of Elam and a cultural scholar, is also a professor of political science. He taught at Mahendra Ratna Campus, Ilam for about 32 years and has been living a sedentary life since 2063.

Even at the age of 8 He is still doing research. Raithane Vaidya, who is closely familiar with the history, culture and politics of Elam, is closely watching the by-election of the House of Representatives to be held in Ilam-2. "This time's election atmosphere is completely different", comments Vaidya. Although it is a by-election, regarding this election which gives the impression of a clash between the top leaders, Kantipur 's Parbat portal edited part of the conversation with Vaidya:

How are you observing the election atmosphere? I found the

atmosphere different from the past. The competition of the four parties is clear . Earlier, the well-known competitors of this region were Congress-UML. Now the National Independent Party has been added and Along with it, the power of identification has also come. Looking at all these things, it is difficult to guess . I have also found the mood of voting confused. The confusion and challenge of which party to choose is widespread among voters.

What do you see in the old parties? Is it the same or changing?

This field has been won by Subas Nemwang for 25 years . In particular, both areas of Elam are more than the 'red fort' of UML . Area No. 1 Jhalnath Khanal has been winning continuously since 2048. The previous time, he lost only after becoming a candidate from the Unified Socialist Party of CPN. Even though he lost, that seat is again in UML's Polta. After Kul Bahadur Gurung in 2051 and Manikumar Limbu for the first time, Suwas won.

But what did the voters of "Lal Qilla" get for two and a half decades? Did you get development? Is there access to education, health, drinking water or did the youth get employment? That question is worth considering. I understand that voters have become really aware of this.

Can this election play some role in the development of Elam?

What role does the by-election play in the development of Elam? It remains to be seen. What did Elam get when Nemwangji won continuously for 25 years ? That is known to the voters. Ilam-2 does not even have good infrastructure. There are roads from village to village but everything is unpaved. The people have got nothing but misery . The fast route connecting Ilam via Durgapur from Jhapa has been blocked . The condition of Ranke-Ravi-Bhedetar road is the same . Dozens of other roads, bridges, Pani canals and other development works seem to be stalled. The education here could not develop as expected. There is a situation where you have to go outside to study the desired subject. Agricultural college and technical college, but it does not seem to attract students. What is the main hope of voters towards


This election has focused Elam on Nepali politics. Many people have come from Kathmandu. Supporters of Dakendra Singh Thegim from Ravi Lamichhane of RSVP are running.

An attraction has been seen in Ilam. But, voters are looking for a clear roadmap of how the rival parties will shape Ilam in the future. However, the parties do not have a roadmap or a clear election manifesto. Which has seen a kind of despondency among voters.

What does the competition between the four teams look like ?

Politically, UML seems to be trying to preserve its old heritage and maintain dominance. Congress seems ready to take away that dominance of UML . Is popular among independent youth . It cannot be said whether he will win or not. Last year, only a few votes were cast. This time the vote brings honor. Young people are more attracted. Ravi Lamichhane's craze has also worked . There is no less discussion of identityists. However, that definition of identity is no longer enough. It is no longer necessary to walk alone in the identity movement-campaign, everyone should walk together and speak loudly. If history is to be taken as a basis, I am a Newar from Limbuan . It is a challenge for identityists to be able to convince Newars like me. However, Dakendraji is a trust worthy of Dharma Guru Atmananda Lingden. In the past, Subasji had received the blessings of the religious guru. Now that blessing Dakendraji will get soon.

How much are voters feeling the lack of Suwas Nemwang ?

UML is a party based on principles and ideas. He will not act as his father's son. Suhang Nemwang's candidacy was considered by many as a form of dynasticism. That is not so wrong. One good thing about UML is that the workers are dedicated to the party. They do not follow the directives of the high command. However, that trend is very less in other parties.

Is the leader's fascination with religious leaders for votes?

Whenever the election is approaching, it seems that the leaders are heading towards Larumba to meet the religious leader . Dharma Guru has many followers before him . It belongs to the leaders who want to get votes. It is customary to take blessings by making him happy. In the past, Subas took blessings from the guru of Larumba. He has 5 to 7 thousand votes in his pocket. Raut, Ravi Lamichhane, the leaders of the so-called new party learned to draw that vote, and they also went to the style of the old leaders. After receiving Guru's blessings.

How likely is it that there will be dissatisfaction within the Congress and that the votes will be lost because they have given tickets to a leader who has lost in the past? Not getting a

ticket makes everyone unhappy . It varies from person to person. Some may be angry for the rest of their lives if they don't get a ticket, some may not be angry . However, I have heard that the leaders have become commanders from the central level and the discontent has settled. Now that dissatisfaction will not affect . Maybe not an accident . The number of votes cast in Nepali Congress was high and it seems that it will be less this year.

What is the pressure of the new party on the old party?

The old are afraid . Fear is more for Congress than UML . UML voters tend to be a bit fanatical. Not much of Congress.

Both identitarians and independents are likely to pull Congress votes . Due to the issues of caste, language, and culture, the opinion of the identityist seems to be decisive. There are also Congress, UML, and Maoists within the identitarians . It seems that they also think it is ours.

This time, if most of the parties put up a Limbu candidate, is it understood that others will not win?

All parties have selected Limbu candidates. There seems to be an opinion that no one except Limbu will win. The Madhesh-centric party Janmat, which does not have much public support in Ilam, also selected a candidate from the Limbu community. The parties seem to have agreed on one thing and this is the Limbuwan area. The issue of identity is complicated. Therefore, it seems that a situation has arisen that the candidates from the Limbu community will be chosen regardless of whether the votes come or not.

Why did the parties give a little more importance to the by-election of Elam this time?

this time seemed to be given more importance . This was not the case in the past . Especially since new parties have come to fight with the old parties, it seems that the old ones have been challenged . So the old parties had to work a little harder. UML President KP Oli has come several times. Congress General Minister Gagan Thapa also came and went. Vishwaprakash Sharma is almost here . Shashank Koirala, Shekhar Koirala also came. Ravi Lamichhane, Swarnim Wagh of RSVP are also coming and going again and again. From ministers to chief whips, it was also seen.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ १३:०९
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